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Fertilizer for Facilitators: an innovative training course for impact-oriented professionals

Writer's picture: Societa SolisSocieta Solis

By Gianluca Corzani

The five-day intensive course, meticulously designed by the consortium's PM Ana Maria Solis with the support of FUTOUR's Paolo Martinez and delivered by Mind@work trainers, in the person of visionary facilitator Jan Lelie with the precious cameo of the design thinker Yuen Yen Tsai, provided participants with the latest and groundbreaking facilitation techniques. The programme combined traditional methods with modern digital, creative and artistic approaches, providing a comprehensive skill set for the European social innovation and impact ecosystem.

Key Experiences & Practical Application

It’s been great to delve into some of the theoretical and philosophical pillars of communication and facilitation through visualisation activities that were quite new to all present, but also to explore practical tools, techniques and insights that will be a wealthy heritage and be applied in our daily professional lives to better manage live/online meetings and participatory processes.

Personal Reflections & Conclusions

Thanks to this training, we all actively participated in building a community of values and practices geared towards social impact. I want to thank the team of facilitators who may apply the knowledge gained together in the future, perhaps creating new partnerships and opportunities for common development and growth.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them

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